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How much honeycomb is safe to eat?

on November 13, 2020

how much honeycomb is safe to eat

You all know us here at Honey Heaven, we are honey mad and will always share our love for it because it truly deserves such praise. After all, we would not be where we are today without such love and addiction!

We love honey in all forms and we could not wait to write about honeycomb, and answer the question that is often asked... can you eat it?

In short... YES you can!

Honeycomb should never be overlooked, we are lucky to have such products available to us, and trust us once you try it properly you will never look back.

Honeycomb is naturally produced by bees, it is honey in its purest form and therefore known as ‘pure organic honeycomb’. There is also pure honey which is the liquid included in honeycomb; a wonderful natural sweetener, the golden nectar produced by honey bees.

Honeycomb is a six-sided cell, a hexagonal, and it is made up of fatty acids and fatty alcohol which makes it edible for human consumption. Trust us, eating honeycomb is delicious and something we love to tell people about as many do know this is possible, they assume only the liquid honey is edible, not the honeycomb.

Unlike with processed honey which you will buy in many food stores and supermarkets, honeycomb and liquid in its raw state have not been processed, which means it has huge health benefits and is so much better for you then the typical versions you buy. Why buy something that is not at its finest? Your health and what you consume is so important, so like with most things you need to buy correctly and do your research.

So, how much honeycomb is safe to eat? This is a question we answer many times because we feel honey and honeycomb should be enjoyed at its absolute best quality, after all, honeycomb is natural, so enjoy it that way!

The amount of honeycomb to eat is hard to dictate, but the best way is to consider how much to consume going on a normal daily intake of sugar and calories for your diet. Honeycomb is 40% fructose and per teaspoon volume, it has more calories than sugar - sugar comes in at 16 calories per teaspoon and honey 21 calories - sugar intake for a male is 37.5g and women 25g. So, you need to be mindful of your sugar and calorie intake so you do not eat too much, so go ahead and enjoy it but like with any foods moderation is key.

Diet is important for heart health, so this is why we always say moderate and be sure of what you’re consuming. But with heart health in mind, honeycomb can also benefit this and many other areas of health due to the fact it contains all-natural materials that the bee's collect and create, so not only is it super tasty, it's also very good for you, win-win in our eyes!

You can consume the honeycomb by chewing in chunks, treat it as a little sweet treat or drizzle on pancakes or waffles, or on a favourite ice cream - we love a simple clotted cream one as the creamy texture really compliments the honey. Another great way to eat it is by spreading it on warm bread, honestly, you will be going back for seconds. All will taste like pure perfection!

It is always best to store the honeycomb at room temperature as this helps soften it slightly and makes the gorgeous honey inside loosen up and become an amber nectar delight.

Good quality honeycomb and honey should be part of your life, inside your kitchen cupboards because it's versatile and so incredible considering how it is made. We are lucky to offer incredible honey products to you and we are always here to answer questions or offer advice.

 We are called Honey Heaven, so you know we are true honey fans - but we cannot stress enough how wonderful honeycomb, raw honey and top quality honey really is, it is good for you and the taste is truly out of this world.

We carefully pick all we sell, we only use the best quality and we would never sell something we are not 100% happy with.


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